Join us for our April 25 Meeting.

Our first Calligraphy Circle will be held at our April 25/2018 meeting. Please join our CIRCLE of sharing, learning, helping and practicing calligraphy skills and techniques.
How Do You Do This?
Bring: A project of some sort to work on or not – your choice.
Questions: Be prepared to ask questions on how to do something that may not be working for you. Or ask someone who is working on a project “How do you do that?” “What tool are you using?”
Advice: Would you like some advice on how to fix your layout or choice of lettering,
ink, colour, etc?
Demo and Hands On Table
There will be some graphite and sumi ink supplies to try out. Do you have a new tool or supply you would like to share? Perhaps, you have something you bought ages ago and don’t really know how to use. Maybe somebody can give you some advice.