Join us for our June 27 Year End Social and Declutter Event

This year our June Social is a three pronged event.
#1 Black & White exhibition pieces are due and will be put on display for all to     admire.
#2 Visiting and Eating. Please bring something sweet or savoury for our buffet table. Plates, napkins and tea and coffee will be available. Join your fellow calligraphers and find out what they have planned for the summer.
#3 Declutter Event

Our first WCS de-clutter event! Our June 27th meeting is your chance to bring your  overstocked artists’ supplies to the tea – things you know you’re never going to play with again.
Lindsay and Jan will set up 3 groups of tables for your unloveds:
You can place them on a table for anything that is free and up-for-grabs.
Price them and hope that someone else is looking for that exact same thing (pocket the profit or donate to WCS).
Place them in the Trading Post category and negotiate an exchange with another member.
If you have items you want to donate without having to mind the store – Lindsay and Jan will take responsibility for your donations.
Nothing will find its way into the landfill if we can prevent it.