Join us for our May 25 Meeting

Tim McLaughlin will be presenting an In-Person talk:

Artisan Ink and the New Calligraphers: Handmade Ink and the Return to Penwork.

It is a surprising fact that image-based social media has ignited a return to calligraphy and pen work.  A new generation is taking on the hand-made script.  They are also rethinking ink and pigment production as artisans.  Join Tim McLaughlin as he maps the creative landscape and shares some of his approach to ink-making and pen work.  Tim’s journals, writings and photography may be found online at

This will be our first In-person scheduled meeting since Covid,.
• Masks are mandatory
• Please provide your Proof of Vaccination
• We will serve tea and coffee but ask that you
bring your own mug.
• We will have the seating spaced apart
• Food will not be available, but you can bring
your own snacks
• All surfaces will be sanitized to the best of our ability